
Haze of Beauty

I said before that I briefly lost touch of my love of photography. I have been in somewhat of a haze the past few weeks, but recently I have started to see the beauty in life’s many challenges. As I was looking through some photos I took this summer I came across these…


I woke up for an early morning run and as I rolled out of bed I noticed the thick fog outside my window. I was lazy and decided to skip my run. So I ended up grabbing my morning coffee and sat down on the couch. I sat there staring out the window, entranced by the fog. I couldn’t resist so I grabbed my camera and headed out onto the balcony.


The grass was covered in dew, left over from the night storms.




These pictures reminded me that there is beauty even on the darkest of days. We just have to push past all of the fog that fills our minds and create our own beauty.

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