
Extended Family

I had a feeling that my posts would suffer no matter how determined I was. I have been overwhelmed with classes, papers, work and a type of home sickness that I have never experienced before. After a lot of therapeutic running and reuniting with my camera I finally feel like myself again and I am ready to share.

After a long break, I decided to pick my camera back up again. Over Easter break we had a cookout with our neighbors, Tom and Cheryl, and my camera was on the entire time. It still didn’t feel right but after looking through the moments captured that night everything seemed better.


Darby might have enjoyed the fire a little TOO much


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20 years young and enjoying my first s’more… There’s a first time for everything?



I have been blessed with not only an amazing immediate family but a wonderful “extended” family as well. Although Tom and Cheryl may not be related to us, we consider them grandparents. They have been there for the milestones in my life just like family should be.