
A World With Octobers


“I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers” –Excerpt from Anne of Green Gables

This quote is one of my favorites. Not only because of my love of fall, but because it is a reminder to be grateful for the little things that we often over look. A reminder to find beauty in all things no matter how insignificant it may seem—something that unfortunately, I often forget to do.

Be thankful for all that surrounds you and be sure to express your gratitude daily.


Heading Nowhere

This past week has been a rough one to say the least. Do you ever have days when you feel like you just can’t win? That is how I have felt since last Saturday. I’m not complaining, we all have those moments- some of us just handle them more eloquently than others. To make it through this week I have kept reminding myself of a quote that I love;

“Embrace the fact that you may zig zag  your way to your best life” -Unknown


Personally, I struggle with this possibility. I like to have a set plan and know exactly what the future holds. I’m beginning to realize that sadly this cannot be. This week especially, I have learned to accept that there are no guarantees in life. I am ready to start my journey on this winding road and embrace the fact that I may never know where it is going to lead me.



Haze of Beauty

I said before that I briefly lost touch of my love of photography. I have been in somewhat of a haze the past few weeks, but recently I have started to see the beauty in life’s many challenges. As I was looking through some photos I took this summer I came across these…


I woke up for an early morning run and as I rolled out of bed I noticed the thick fog outside my window. I was lazy and decided to skip my run. So I ended up grabbing my morning coffee and sat down on the couch. I sat there staring out the window, entranced by the fog. I couldn’t resist so I grabbed my camera and headed out onto the balcony.


The grass was covered in dew, left over from the night storms.




These pictures reminded me that there is beauty even on the darkest of days. We just have to push past all of the fog that fills our minds and create our own beauty.



Weeks and months had passed since I had willingly picked up my camera. During the beginning of June I was nannying for a family while their parents were out of town. I had a few hours to myself before the kids returned home and I was overcome with grief, joy, and confusion all at the same time. I ran up stairs, grabbed my camera and headed out for a walk around the acreage.


It was exactly what I needed to help me think and clear my mind. For so long I hadn’t been living my life the way I wanted to and just by picking up my camera I rediscovered all the things that I love and enjoy.

From here on out I hope to continue pursuing the life that makes me happy. Nothing and no one will interfere with my passion again.


Extended Family

I had a feeling that my posts would suffer no matter how determined I was. I have been overwhelmed with classes, papers, work and a type of home sickness that I have never experienced before. After a lot of therapeutic running and reuniting with my camera I finally feel like myself again and I am ready to share.

After a long break, I decided to pick my camera back up again. Over Easter break we had a cookout with our neighbors, Tom and Cheryl, and my camera was on the entire time. It still didn’t feel right but after looking through the moments captured that night everything seemed better.


Darby might have enjoyed the fire a little TOO much


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20 years young and enjoying my first s’more… There’s a first time for everything?



I have been blessed with not only an amazing immediate family but a wonderful “extended” family as well. Although Tom and Cheryl may not be related to us, we consider them grandparents. They have been there for the milestones in my life just like family should be.


Looking Back- A Year in Review

My family and I started 2012 in Omaha. We spent the New Year’s Weekend together ice skating, going to museums and, of course, the zoo.


In May I finished my first year of college. At times it still seems hard to believe that I am old enough to be away from my family and living in another town.

At the beginning of summer vacation my family and I took a trip to Wisconsin. We enjoyed waterparks, hiking, rock climbing, exploring downtown and facing a few fears…


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I stayed at home over the summer and spent most of my time nannying for a family with 3 girls. It was crazy, hectic and overwhelming, but I loved every minute of it. Our days consisted of many trips to the park, Children’s Museum, dance and plenty of arts and crafts.


Before I headed back to Lincoln, my family and I ran in an annual 5k in memory of a family friend.

Lizzie Run (10)

It was little Darby’s first year running that 5k and he did a great job! We were all so proud of him!

Lizzie Run (7)

Payton began her first year of high school and played golf in the fall. She even made varsity at a few of her meets!


I came home in September to see Liam and Payton all dressed up for Homecoming. It is hard to believe that they are both so grown up!


We made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. I look forward to going each year and creating new memories with the family. It is my favorite part of fall.


Being away at school hasn’t always been easy, but lucky for me I have a wonderful family who always welcomes me home when I am able to make the trip. This year my mom and two youngest brothers, Jackson & Darby, surprised me in Lincoln and came to visit me for the day. What a great surprise!

Boys and Sign

I took the next step with photography and started doing planned photo shoots. I have loved every minute of the journey and I look forward to learning more along the way.

Ruyle (30)  Clark's (6)

My mom turned 40 in November (I know, it’s hard to believe. She doesn’t look a day over 29). Her birthday fell on a Monday and I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to spend her special day with her. I arranged with my professors to take the day off and I headed back to Kearney to surprise her!

mom's 40th

I spent the holidays at home with my family. Luckily all of us were able to celebrate together and enjoy the day.


My family and I ended our year in Omaha just as we began it. There were several ups and downs, but over all it was a great year and I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for me.


Goals for the year:

  • Run a 10k (the Run10 Feed10)
  • Spend more time volunteering
  • Read 50 books
  • Learn to knit

I hope you have a blessed New Year!
