
First Communion

Today I watched my little brother Jackson and my “little sister” Emily go through their First Communion. I still cannot believe how grown up they are. I feel like just yesterday Jackson was starting kindergarten.

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11 years ago my best friend Taylor and I went through First Communion together. We too just went through the motions like everyone else and didn’t think much of the experience, but now that I look back and I see my siblings going through this process I hope it has the same impact on them that it had on me.


Congratulations Jackson and Emily! I love you both and I am so happy I could share this special day with you!





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The kids are always beyond crazy, the grandparents talk and we hear old stories; some that we have heard a million times before, others that are brand new. Holidays are crazy when held in a Runge house but regardless I love this time I have with my family.

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The boys enjoyed looking for the hidden eggs outside, everything with them is a competition but it was fun to watch them run around and have fun. To me that is the best part. As I got older I missed begin little but now I look forward to watching the kids make memories and enjoy their time together.

To all of my family, wherever you are: I love you
