
Weekend at Home

Over labor day weekend I was able to make it home to spend it with my family.  Most of it was spent on the go but on Monday we had a family BBQ with the neighbors.  It was such a fun weekend filled with family, friends and laughter.
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My silly little sister :)

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....typical Jackson and Liam


The food was so good! Tom and Cheryl went all out for us!

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They won't admit it, but they love eachother!

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Oh these boys, they stole my heart!


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I’m glad I made it home to spend time with my family and all of the kiddos! I miss them all so much but being away makes it all the more special when I do get to spend time with them.
Love you guys!


Fourth Estate


Over a month ago I left for San Diego for something called the Fourth Estate. Going there I had no idea what to expect. I was nervous, excited and curious about what would take place over the next 4 days. Little did I know it would turn into more than just a few days but an experience I will remember forever.

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These girls are truly amazing… I have never met anyone like them!

Shana, Laken, Me, Jayme and Maddie

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We heard from so many incredible speakers and learned so many new things

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It is hard to put into words what I experienced on this trip and I think everyone there would agree with me. We walked away with so much more than we ever imagined we would.I wish I could explain more about what went on but it was truly indescribable.

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As we said our good-byes we realized that it wasn’t the end. Fourth Estate was the beginning to a new revelation that we are all a part of.

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